Tuesday, October 30, 2012

final exam

                                                                                                  ♪ Hall Of Fame

last week, time jawab sejarah ( tahun kitorang start p3..booo nasib mlang) out of blue, siku tersepak<---(bm aq mmg cmni) kt meja then.. it's alright, i'm ONLY bleeding -__-  time tu baru 1 jam jwb. Paper 3 as tough as cooking man . tp aq bleh jwb HAHAHAHAHAHA !

 next week still have physic, biology, chemistry, pqs, psi, add math..waaaaaaaa..i'm gonna die. die .die
                                                                 study !! study !! study !!

btw, even if I don't get enough sleep, I know that I still won't be able to answer because add math is really that hard anyway. Seriously. My umi teacher add math, tp aq x pernah tny pn -__- insyaAllah next year aq start rajin..amin.. And i will be standing in the hall of fame, and the world's gonna know my name. <---hek eleh amik lyric lagu konon. For next week, amat mengharap agar Allah mempermudahkan segala urusan, di mana lagi tempat kita bergantung harap?

Diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: 

"Orang mukmin sama ada lelaki ataupun perempuan akan sentiasa diuji oleh Allah s.w.t, sama ada dirinya, anaknya ataupun hartanya sehinggalah dia menghadap Allah s.w.t tanpa dia membawa dosa sedikitpun." 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

my sister's engagement

Snap more talk less:)

the end of the day, masuk bilik tgk korea then ZZZzzzz..................